Saturday, 28 January 2012

आज धुप में कुछ नमी सी है |

Penned these lines when i felt the quintessential warmth of sun was somehow missing in today morning's sunlight...i don't know should i extend it or not..*confused*

आज  धुप में  कुछ  नमी सी है |

प्रथम किरण के आगमन ने पूर्व क्षितिज से सूर्य की उद्घोषणा की है ,
धुंध की परत को चीरती हुई उषा ने जिंदगी को एक नई प्रेरणा दी है ,
पक्षियों की  कूजन ने  रात्रि  के  मौन  की  अवहेलना की है |

परन्तु, सूक्ष्मता से देखो, इस भोर में मालूम होती कुछ कमी सी है ,
तपन के अभाव से यह सूरज की जो लौ है,वह भी लगती आज धीमी सी है,
दो जोड़ी कपड़ो में ठिठुरती वो भिकारन मंदिर के कोने में बैठी सहमी सी है,

हाँ! आज धुप में कुछ नमी सी है|

Saturday, 21 January 2012

Rain,My Books and that Tea Vendor Kid...

"This rain is the final good bye to chilling cold.” said the auto driver, referring to the showers that were obviously quite unpredictable in the month of February. I looked inside, smiled at him and then again started to enjoy the cold wind that was coming on my face, with each wave sending so strong shivers down my spine that I could actually feel it in my back. 
I have always liked this feeling; the extreme cold on my skin, the numb sensation that follows is quite Nirvanic which certainly takes me away from all weltschmerz at least for few moments.
14th was the date…14 February 2011 precisely. The events throughout the day had definitely upped my joie-de-vivre and then this Nirvanic auto ride. I felt blissed out. It was 9 at night and I was about a kilometre away from my home and the rain played perfect spoilsport, with no rickshaws around I decided to cover rest of my journey on my foot.
Five minutes later, I was walking on the road that connects my Society to national highway, in same chilling wind but this time the blissful feeling seemed to have got up and gone..." Your books are more important"...the voice was playing endlessly before my ears. In between the visuals of the day tried to own up my mind...walking in the alley of college, enjoying with my friends...the laughs...the cheers...that beautiful girl in black and the beats my heart missed on her sight...but again ..."Your books are more important"...Never in my life I had felt so embarrassed about my books...Those five minutes gave my thinking a new dimension.
I had got 2 new books issued from college library on that day. I don't know why I decided against carrying bag on my way back to home...maybe I was too tired. So I left it at hostel but couldn't part with those two new books. While returning, as soon as I got down from auto I ran towards a roadside tea shop. Taking me as a prospective customer who wanted to enjoy a cup of hot tea in chilling weather the two teenagers who were packing up for the day gesticulated me to return. I pointed towards my books and then rain; they understood and allowed me to stand under their shed. The younger one seemed to be quite amused by my 1500 page Sedra-Smith. The feeling of awe in his eyes made me feel proud of myself. I wanted to evangelize about the education to him. But that proud was short lived, for in next minute he did something that left me speechless.
He went back to shop, tore a plastic packet of match boxes, resulting them to fall in water, got slapped by older sibling, and then came to me, handled me that packet and said,
"Cover them. Your books are more important."  

Thursday, 19 January 2012

Because the Bird bugged the World!


   "I wrote this on the day when Wikipedia went black!"

Okay! The short prologue would have given you an inkling that how much pain I actually had to bear to bring out this exceptional piece of literature.Period. Oh! thanks for appreciation but there's nothing exemplary in whatever I did, it's a very significant nature of homosapien race--to take an extra step, to push things forward, even if inertia plays havoc with his endeared pair of spheres. So today, I took the plunge into it, unleashing superpowers of this thing called Google and look, now I am all loaded with different tips and tricks on 'how to avoid blacked out Wiki', from disabling javascript to pressing escape(hell! I must tell you that the Esc key, which is usually left out alone in keyboard, was socially never so much popular. It's trending Twitter worldwide!). I love Google, at times it makes me feel like Justin Long in Die Hard 4.0--a much needed boost to my sagging morale. 

Anyways, this piece is for a competition, they asked, "Why is a Raven like a writing desk?", I read it once, twice and third time even my mind gave up, asking,"What the dickens! Is it even English?". Leave out the whole saying, honestly speaking, I initially thought Raven is Anglocized  pronunciation of the late Lankan beast! A quick research proved me wrong, no qualms about it...great failures come to greatest thinkers only. More research and I found,  its not even a saying, it's a riddle and according to certain Mr. Lewis Carroll, who apparently is also its author, he never intended for there to be any real answer to the question!---duh!! IITians have gone really mad I think, and more mad are gone those civilians who are demanding their schmutz to make their babies. The news of latter left me flummoxed, seriously, I condemn it and in my opinion its an international conspiracy to indulge the most technical hands in country in sleaziest of activities.Oops! I did a little typo there, I meant heads. What! Why are you gawking ?? Yeah I know I have a very prude mazard, rather an ever wondering-creative-innovative mind. Still, if I hurt some sentiments anywhere then I lament it, but please don't hurl shoe over me, save them for political class and ignore me.Ah! ignorance..if truth to be told, I share a heart warming relation with ignorance. Actually, once my teacher in seventh standard  told me that ignorance is a bliss, God knows how much blissed out I have been in my school and college life since then. Anyways, coming back to Raven graven, brother Google just introduced me to certain Mr. Poe. This man had  achieved a rear feat of writing on both, desk and Raven. Now, how can you write on a Raven! Poor bird would die of irritation caused by constant scribbling of pen on its back. May be at Poe's time there weren't used to be ladies with God gifted assets who can make people to respect animals by using placards to cover themselves in public. For God sake, perverts, read those messages too! In between, a brief perusal of whatever I wrote till now gave me strong feeling that i am being quite antithetical to opposite sex, but no! I am not at all a misogynist, au contraire, I love women on top! This is a high time when we men should lie back and let women enjoy the hegemony.        

Thank you SOPA/PIPA, my Esc key gave up, it just died out of pain which I enforced on it to save some Wiki pages to go black...huh! Internet protection laws are really such wasted ideas, drafted by U.S. Congressmen, in hurry, as they couldn't resist the under table games of some Lewinskies. Seriously, do they even sound like laws??...In fact PIPA reminds me of sister of grand daughter-in-law of Her Royal Highness Queen of Great Britain, Pippa Middleton. Apart from a family relation, the other majestic thing about her is her ownership of a  well, in shape derriere that tremendously helped in increasing the TRP of Royal wedding footage to astonishing levels. And I personally have dedicated a New Folder(5) in E: drive to her, in respect of recognition she garnered because of this feat.       

Anyway, the poor Raven just flew off, leaving behind still fresh marks of beats on my mind and may be on yours too. So, the most I can do now is to thank you for bearing with me for so much time ,and about "Why is a Raven like a writing desk?", I must tell you that just like Mad Hatter in Alice's Adventures in Wonderland

                                  "I haven't the slightest of idea!!"

No! doesn't end actually starts here...let us add some stars to this post...:)

P.S.: I am reading this again in 2015, and this post looks so ridiculous. Actually it was for a blog writing competition in IITR, India, back in 2012, when I was still in college. The topic was given by them but humor was mine. ;)

Monday, 9 January 2012

Why do we shout in anger?

[This post was originally posted by great Author-Thinker Paulo Coelho ]
Original Link:


A master asked his disciples:
‘Why do we shout in anger? Why do people shout at each other when they are upset?’
the disciples thought for a while, and one of them said
‘Because we lose our calm, we shout for that.’
‘But, why to shout when the other person is just next to you? ‘Isn’t it possible to speak to him or her with a soft voice? Why do you shout at a person when you’re angry?’
The disciples gave him some other answers but none satisfied the master.
Finally he explained:
‘When two people are angry at each other, their hearts distance a lot. To cover that distance they must shout to be able to hear each other. The angrier they are, the stronger they will have to shout to hear each other through that great distance.’
Then the master asked:
‘What happens when two people fall in love? They don’t shout at each other but talk softly, why? Because their hearts are very close. The distance between them is very small…’
And he concluded:
‘When they love each other even more, what happens?
‘They do not speak, only whisper and they get even closer to each other in their love.
‘Finally they even need not whisper, they only look at each other and that’s all. That is how close two people are when they love each other.’